Ackee Track without being tracked
Actual Budget A personal finances manager
AdGuard Home Privacy protection center for you and your devices
Ampache For the love of music
Apache Answer a community between your users and your team
Apache Superset Data exploration and visualization platform
Audiobookshelf audiobook and podcast server
Baserow Collaborate on any form of data
BookStack Simple & Free Wiki Software
Cal.com Event-juggling scheduler for everyone
Castopod Podcast hosting solution
changedetection.io Change Monitoring of Web Pages
Chatwoot Open-source customer engagement suite
Collabora Online Collabora Online Developer Edition
Confluence Team Collaboration Software
CryptPad Collaboration suite
Ctfreak Centralized task scheduler
Cubby Collaborative filemanager
Directus Data-First Headless CMS & API
Discourse Civilized discussion
Documize Community Knowledge Management Software
DocuSeal Create, fill, and sign digital documents
DokuWiki It's better when it's simple
Dolibarr ERP and CRM for non technical people
Drupal 7 Old version of a content management framework written in PHP
Easy!Appointments Appointment Scheduler
Element Liberate your communication
Emby Take your Media anywhere
Espo CRM Increase profitability through customer loyalty
Etherpad Collaborating in real-time
File Pizza Peer-to-peer file sharing
Firefly III A personal finances manager
FreeScout Helpdesk & Shared Mailbox
FreshRSS RSS feed reader
Garradin Software to manage association
Ghost Just a blogging platform
Gitea A painless self-hosted Git Service
GitHub Pages Publish webpages from a git repo
GitLab Create, review and deploy code together
Gogs A painless self-hosted Git Service
Grafana Platform for monitoring and observability
Grav Grav is a modern open source flat-file CMS
Guacamole Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.
HedgeDoc Ideas grow better together
HumHub The flexible social media kit
Immich Photos and Videos
Invidious An alternative front-end to YouTube
Invoice Ninja Invoice from anywhere get paid from everywhere
IT-Tools online tools for developers
Jellyfin The Free Software Media System
Joplin Server Free, open source note taking app
Jupyter Hub Open Standards for Interactive Computing
Kanboard Simple visual task board
Kavita Reading server
Kimai Time-tracking for everyone
Koel Personal Music Streaming Server
Kopano Meet Secure and easy-to-use video conferencing
Kutt Modern URL Shortener
LAMP An empty LAMP stack (PHP 7.4, 8.x)
Language Tool Intelligent writing assistant
Leantime Project management system
LibreERP Suite of business apps (ERP: CRM, Accounting, Point of Sale, HR, Purchases...)
LimeSurvey CE Professional online surveys
Listmonk Self-hosted newsletter and mailing list manager
Loomio Make better decisions together
Lychee Photo management done right
Mastodon Federated social network
Matomo Extensible analytics platform
Matrix Synapse Secure & decentralized communication
Mattermost Slack alternative
Mautic Marketing automation for everyone
Mealie Recipe Management
MediaWiki The software behind Wikipedia
Meemo Your personal notes
Metabase Ask questions and learn from data
Miniflux Minimalist and opinionated feed reader
Minio Distributed object storage
MiroTalk Real-time P2P video calls
MiroTalk SFU Real-time video calls
MonicaHQ Remember everything about friends and family
Moodle The world's most popular learning management system
n8n Free and Open Workflow Automation Tool
Navidrome Modern Music Server
Nextcloud A safe home for all your data
NocoDB NoCode platform at turns any database into a smart spreadsheet
NodeBB Next generation forum software
ntfy Push notifications via PUT/POST
Omeka S Semantic platform for cultural heritage
ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Office and productivity suite
OpenHAB Empowering the smart home
OpenProject Project management
OpenVPN OpenVPN server and simple web interface
osTicket Make. Happy. Customers.
Outline Collaborative knowledge base
Owncast Take control over your content and stream it yourself.
Paperless-ngx Scan, index and archive documents
PeerTube Take back control of your videos
Penpot Design and prototyping platform
piwigo Photo gallery software for the web
Pixelfed Photo Sharing. For Everyone.
PrivateBin A minimalist, zero knowledge pastebin
Prometheus Server From metrics to insight
qBittorrent Fast & Reliable P2P Bittorrent client
Radicale A Calendar and Contact Server
Rallly Schedule meetings with ease
Redash Make Your Company Data Driven
Redmine Flexible project management
ReleaseBell Release notification service
Restic Backup your server with Restic
Rocket.Chat The Complete Open Source Chat Solution
Roundcube Webmail software for the masses
SearXNG Search without being tracked
SerpBear Search Engine Position Tracking App
SickChill Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows
SnappyMail Your webmail client
Snipe-IT Open Source IT Asset Management
SOGo Webmail, Contacts & Calendar
Syncthing Decentralized file synchronization
Taiga Project management platform
Tandoor Recipe Management
Teamspeak Server Out-of-this-world VoIP solution
The Lounge IRC always connected.
Tiny Tiny RSS RSS feed reader
Traccar Modern GPS Tracking Platform
Transmission Transmission is a cross-platform BitTorrent client
Typebot Build advanced chatbots visually
Umami Own your website analytics
Vault Manage Secrets and Protect Sensitive Data
Verdaccio Private npm repository server
Vikunja The to-do app to organize your life.
Wallabag Saving web pages to read later
WBO Online collaborative whiteboard
Weblate Web-based continuous localization
Wekan The open-source Trello-like kanban
Wiki.js A powerful and extensible wiki
Woodpecker CI Simple CI engine with great extensibility
WordPress (Managed) Transform your site into almost anything
XBackBone Lightweight file manager with full ShareX support
Yourls YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener
2FAuth Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Acropolis Dynamic fork of diaspora*'s federated social network
Archivist Automatic backups
Calibre Web Web app for browsing e-books
Docker Registry Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content
ElasticSearch 7 Distributed and RESTful search engine
Firefox Sync Server Mozilla’s Sync-Server to host your Firefox account data
GeoIP Service Simple GeoIP location service
Glitch-Soc Libre and federated social network, fork of Mastodon
Greenlight BigBlueButton Front-End
Hastebin The Elegant Pastebin
Jirafeau Select your file, upload, share a link
LibreTranslate Machine Translation
Linkding Minimal, fast, and easy Bookmark manager
Matrix-Discord bridge Discord puppeting bridge for Matrix/Synapse.
Neutrinet Auto renewal for the Neutrinet vpn-certificates
Open Web Calendar Embed a web calendar into your website
RSS-Bridge The RSS feed for websites missing it
Shaarli The personal, minimalist, bookmarking service
Shiori Simple bookmark manager
Standard Notes Server The Standard Notes syncing server. An end-to-end encrypted note-taking app.
Stirling PDF PDF manipulation tool
Surfer Static file server
Trilium Notes Personal knowledge base
Uptime Kuma Self-hosted monitoring tool like Uptime Robot
Vaultwarden Rust implementation of the Bitwarden API
Borg Backup Backup your server on a host server using Borg
Jeedom Home automation application
Mailman3 Electronic mailing lists manager
Nomad Simple and flexible workload orchestrator
Rainloop Lightweight multi-account webmail